
It's always been Excel Plast's endeavor to maintain outstanding quality in compliance with international standards.
We have developed unique products catering to diverse industries, thus positioning ourselves as a single-stop moulding solutions provider.

Automobile Industry

Excel Plast possesses the knowledge and expertise to handle large parts as well as molds for major automobile manufacturers. Right from interior parts and exterior lights to HVAC and under-the-hood engine components, Excel Plast is capable of producing dependable high performance durable parts for the industry.

Excel Plast utilizes stringent measures at material selection to produce injection molded parts for the automobile industry. From concept to delivery, Excel Plast offers a competitive advantage through early involvement in the design and engineering phases of moulded automobile components.

Our automobile product capabilities include safety seat belt application parts including buckle cover, spring plate & cover; Reservoir component; Power window and Gear Lifter parts; Tensioner for Transmission facility; Fuel Injector Protective Cap; Air bag application; Reservoir and Door Latch components. - Read More

Healthcare Industry

Excel Plast is in the process of establishing its own facility to accommodate new medical projects in future.

Electrical Industry

Excel Plast manufactures plastic high-volume components, focusing on the electrical industry. The components withstand heat and long-lasting catering to the unique requirements of electrical industry.

Excel Plast produces wide ranging electric components in different specifications. Extremely safe to use, the electric components are duly checked on diverse parameters to ensure flawless working condition. We provide rotary switch parts and energy meter parts for reputed customers. Mixie as well as pressure cooker parts and wet grinder plastic parts are being delivered to leading customers.

Electronics Industry

Excel Plast offers engineering support for electronic industry products right from design to development to mass production. Utilizing advance technology of metalworking such as forming, deep drawing, and so on, Excel Plast could deliver bulk quantities of precise as well as complicated products for electronic industry at reasonable prices.

The insert moulding technology is being utilized for combined products of plastic and metal. This is used in various application in electronic items. We provide rotary switch parts and energy meter parts for reputed customers.

Excel Plast Products for Diverse Industries